What is Life without Social Media?

Image via http://www.bitlanders.com/blogs/social-media/193084

I was about to deactivate all of my accounts in social media when my professor asked us to make a blog accounts so I wasn’t able to deactivate it because I realized it really is important to us, especially in our field of study that is why I continue using it.
We couldn’t deny the fact that peoples especially teenagers nowadays are using social media in their daily routines. They are using it since morning, afternoon, evening or even at midnight because they use it as their report of their activities.

I ask my friends not to open their social media in the entire week and they all said NO WE CAN’T. Even me, I really don’t know if I can do my own challenge for them. But Mr. Steve Corona is an unbelievable man who surpassed a 30 days without social media. You will find out how it changed his life if you were going to read his story here https://stevecorona.com/how-30-days-without-social-media-changed-my-life

Image via http://www.forbes.com/sites/insider/2014/11/10/social-media-for-attorneys-good-business-or-ethical-minefield/

Without social media, some people may definitely be boring but I am pretty sure that like Mr. Corona, the great man, there are many out there who will make their lives become more useful if social media will not going to exist anymore. 

Image via https://www.pinterest.com/steviethompson2/social-media-addicts-anonymous/

Social Media really has a big part in our lives but if we are going to look deeper, it sometimes ruined our social life. Not all but most of it.


  1. I like the topic that you chose for this post. It just shows that social media have become a vital part of our life and while it has its perks, we can’t deny that using social media also has downsides. Overall, it’s a great post but I hope you give more attention to your grammar and sentence constructions. Nice job, Jockie! 🙂

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